Asst. Prof. Seçkin Köstem- Event Coordinator

Seçkin Köstem is assistant professor of International Relations at Bilkent University, Ankara. His research focuses on Russian and Turkish foreign economic strategies, development finance, regional and rising powers. He has held visiting positions and fellowships at Kennan Institute, New York University, Columbia University, King’s College London, Moscow State Institute of International Relations, and Leiden University. Köstem’s articles have been published in journals such as Review of International Political Economy, Foreign Policy Analysis, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Europe-Asia Studies, Global Policy, International Journal and Third World Quarterly. He is co-editor of Turkey’s Pivot to Eurasia: Geopolitics and Foreign Policy in a Changing World Order (Routledge, 2019). He is currently a co-editor of Review of International Political Economy (2023-2026) and an associate editor of Uluslararasi Iliskiler. He is recipient of the Science Academy’s (Turkey) Young Scientist Award (2023), the Turkish International Relations Council’s Incentive Award (2022) and Bilkent University Outstanding Teaching Award (2021).

Academic Degrees:

Ph.D. McGill University, 2016

MA, Bilkent University, 2010

BA, Bilkent University, 2008

Selected Publications:

The Dual Transformation in Development Finance: Western Multilateral Development Banks and China in Post-Soviet Energy, 2023, Review of International Political Economy, 30(1): 176-200, with Morena Skalamera Groce

Managed Regional Rivalry between Russia and Turkey after the Annexation of Crimea, 2022 Europe-Asia Studies, 74(9): 1657-1675

Understanding the BRICS Framing of Climate Change: The Role of Collective Identity Formation, 2022, International Journal, 77(2): 270-291, with Göktuğ Kıprızlı

Russian-Turkish Cooperation in Syria: Geopolitical Alignment with Limits, 2021, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 34(6): 795-817

Different Paths to Regional Hegemony: National Identity Contestation and Foreign Economic Strategy in Russia and Turkey, 2018, Review of International Political Economy, 25(5), 726-752.
