Prof. Dr. Ali L. Karaosmanoğlu – Director

Ali L. Karaosmanoglu is a Professor Emeritus at the Department of International Relations, Bilkent University. He is Director of the Center for Foreign Policy and Peace Research of Ihsan Dogramaci Peace Foundation. He obtained a Doctoral Degree in International Law from the University of Lausanne. His doctoral dissertation on “Les actions militaires coercitives et non coercitives des Nations Unies” was awarded the prize of “Fondation Fleuret”. He has taught at the Middle East Technical University and Boğazici University. He has been a Fellow at the Hague Academy of International Law, a Fulbright Fellow, and a NATO Fellow. He was a Visiting Scholar at Stanford and Princeton Universities. He has been a member of Turkish Delegations to various intergovernmental conferences. He is a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts and a board member of the Turkish Foreign Policy Institute. He is the author and editor of several books. He has published on foreign policy, security and strategic studies, peacekeeping operations, and civil-military relations. His articles have appeared in various prominent journals, including Foreign Affairs, Europa Archiv, Politique Etrangere, Security Dialogue, International Defense Review, Journal of International Affairs, Turkish Studies, and International Relations (Uluslararası İlişkiler).
