
All Azimuth Workshop Series: “Local Wisdom, Global Insights: Fostering Cooperation in Conflict Research Beyond Borders”

Center for Foreign Policy and Peace Research and All Azimuth: A Journal of Foreign Policy and Peace bring together scholars in the field of peace and...

12th Eurasian Peace Science Conference

We were thrilled to co-sponsor the Foreign Policy Analysis journal and our Center’s publication All-Azimuth: A Journal of Foreign Policy & Peace the 12th...

Conference: Continuities and Changes in Türkiye-US Relations, November 10-12

Our Center and journal, All Azimuth, were proud to co-host with the Turkish Fulbright Commission and the Hollings Center the Continuities and Changes in Türkiye-US...

Peace Talk Series: “Studying BRI Investments in the Middle East: Turkey and Iran”

We were thrilled to host Dr. Derya Göçer of Middle East Technical University as part of our Peace Talk Series, who shared her research on the transformation of Middle...